“The Red Lipstick Revolution”
was started with you in mind!

If you’re burnt out and totally ready to do something different in your life, yet you can’t imagine where to begin? The Red Lipstick Revolution (TRLR) community is the perfect place for you! 

TRLR is a series of LIVE events created to help connect you with your mojo! 

This connection will help resurrect you from the dread, dismay, and disbelief that you can make a change in your life. ‘Cause I’m here to assure you that you can! I have done it many times in my own life and I know you have it within you to be able to achieve your deepest desire! 

Mojo has African roots and it brings inspiration. I define Mojo as the internal light that each of us are born with. It's the nectar that attracts the bee. It's the innate quality that makes you, YOU! When your light is shining you are successful and full of energy!

Historically, a mojo bag was a small red flannel bag that contained a magic charm and herbs tied with a drawstring and worn under clothes to bring good luck. However the bag itself is not powerful, it's what is placed inside the bag and for me that's red lipstick! When I have my red lipstick on, I am super woman! I am totally in my zone, exuding confidence, connection and love! 

Therefore, I am creating a revolution to help YOU find
YOUR Red Lipstick! 

Yes, find it and wear it! 

Come to one of TRLR events and begin your journey! These events will be a combination of teaching, exercises and coaching to help you reach an AH-HA moment! You may experience relief, joy, and/or tears whatever the emotion needed to move you to a place where you can begin to see the possibility for your future. You will discover your secret weapon, YOUR Red Lipstick!  

Here’s what you can expect at The Red Lipstick Revolution events:

  • High resonating positive energy
  • Dynamic teaching
  • Work sheets and questions 
  • Transformational coaching
  • You will be able to take your first step in your journey during the event! Not the next day or next week or next year! During the event! No more putting yourself and your dreams last on the to do list! 

Start today and stop waiting!

I’m curious, what sparks you and pushes you into the zone where you are radiating and everyone knows it? 

I believe when we ignite our mojo, we are able to live our best life while experiencing an abundance of wealth and joy.

If your mojo bag is empty, let’s chat to discover what could you put in your mojo bag to remind you to ignite that spark? 

What my clients are saying...


"I was completely surprised and blown away by the red lipstick revolution workshop that Kris McCrea put on. She had the full day planned and was prepared and full of joy, she was able to hold the space for all of us women. Kris was vulnerable and strong. The connection all the women had regardless of experience, background or stage of life was amazing and Kris's ability to bring everyone together was phenomenal.Kris was also able to work individually in the group to help us work out things on a spiritual as well as emotional basis. She was great and I can't wait to bring the people in my network to the next event. If I were you, I wouldn't miss it!" 
- Zephi R.


Stay tuned for upcoming 1-day live events where you can submerse yourself in “Igniting Your Mojo” and discovering what YOUR Red Lipstick is!